Never in history has there existed such an initiative to join together the descendants of the enslaved and the descendants of the enslavers. It is a relationship that provides an alternative to the unsolved complexities of monetary reparations, focusing on investment in dismantling the remnants of slavery and mitigating the ongoing human damage done by racism in all aspects of life in America.
Will the Foundation award reparations to descendants of slavery?
No. The Foundation is not pursuing reparations in the sense of individual payments. Instead, the Foundation was created to invest heavily in dismantling the remnants of slavery and mitigating racism. We will invest in the educational aspirations of descendants and future generations and in pursuing truth, reconciliation and transformation in the human family. This is the way we have chosen to restore dignity to our ancestors.
Why not seek reparations?
We respect the right of all who are descendants of those enslaved in this country to pursue the dignity of their ancestors’ legacy in whatever way they choose. We have chosen to join hands with the descendants of the enslavers in a sincere process of truth, healing and reconciliation. We believe this is possible only through a sustained investment in the greater common good of future generations.
How is the Foundation funded?
The Foundation is the sole beneficiary of the irrevocable Descendants Truth & Reconciliation Trust. The Trust will be capitalized by an initial and substantial contribution from the Jesuits. The Jesuits have contracted with CCS Fundraising, which was engaged in the campaign for the National Museum of African American History and Culture, to develop and launch a major capital campaign for the Trust & Foundation.
Will you give out scholarships?
Yes. The Foundation is an ardent supporter of descendants' educational aspirations. It will provide support at all levels, from early childhood education to higher education, in the form of scholarships and other types of educational enhancement.
What programs will the Foundation support?
The Foundation will promote and support nonprofit, community-based, grassroots and national program efforts that effectively carry on activities that advance truth, racial healing and transformation throughout the U.S.